


所生產所有產品皆通過各國安規認證,並有優秀之開發、設計工程團隊,應因市場需求我們設計生產了業界唯一"雲端設備專用電源線組"、精美便於攜帶之轉接頭產品、USB Cable 等...。


AC Power Cord

DC Cable

Duck Head

DC Power Cord



As a world 1 in the design, production and supply of  power cords, Taiwan Line Tek offers a complete range of fully approved plugs in use qround the world with a large variety of power cords for the applications of computers, telecommunications, consumer electronics, power tools, lighting, and medical equipments.

Taiwan Line Tek power cords are all certified and are complied with the safety standards Such as UL/CSA, CEE, PSB , ASTA in a number of countries around the world . The Taiwan Line Tek Power Cord Safety Approval Certificate web site gives an overview of  the complete range of safety approvals that we hold for our products.



